Our Story

Meet the Woman Behind the Bar

Howdy, my name is Karie and I am the proud owner of the Shaken Not Spurred Mobile Bar company. I’m so glad you stopped by!

Being a longtime resident of Hanover County, Virginia, I have always been surrounded by many wonderful horse enthusiasts. My love for horses along with my passion for construction and design got me thinking. Was it possible to build a mobile bar in Virginia? If so, how would I construct it? I knew this idea would also allow me to perfect my bartending skills and that greatly excited me! What if I could take my rusty old horse trailer and turn it into something that encompassed all three of my interests? So that’s what I did, and my little filly was born!

With a determined mindset, extreme hard work and a few minor setbacks along the way, my vision finally came to life and now I get to share that with you! I’m truly grateful for the ability to create customized cocktails while sharing this memorable atmosphere with people from all walks of life…and making unforgettable memories along the way! Get ready folks, ‘cause we’re gonna party ‘til the horses come home!”

We're on a Mission

Celebrating inclusivity, one pour at a time, while supporting and empowering fellow minority and women-owned enterprises.

Elevating spirits with a woman-owned mobile bar company, we toast to DIVERSITY, UNITY, and the STRENGTH of minorities and women in business everywhere!

Core Values


Embrace diversity and foster an environment where all individuals, regardless of background or identity, feel valued and included. THERE’S ALWAYS A SEAT OPEN AT THE SHAKEN NOT SPURRED MOBILE BAR!


Encourage collaboration and partnerships with other women-owned and minority-owned businesses recognizing the strength that comes with working together.


Strive for excellence in every aspect of our mobile bar services, ensuring high-quality experiences for our clients and contributing to the positive reputation of women-owned businesses.

We can't wait to hear all about your special celebration!

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